Settlers III

     In the middle of the game press f12. This fast forward in the
     game so you don't have to wait for the building. If you press
     it ten times it will fast forward 10 minutes. Press it how
     much time you want th time to pass.


Start a one player scenario in any place you want eg.
     Egypt, egc. and when it has loaded firsty build
     2 woodcutters (near trees of course) 2 saw mills close
     the woodcutters 1 forrester near the woodcutters and
     2 stone cutters near some stone. You have a border at
     the edge of your land (red dots forming a line) well,
     to get more land build guard towers near your border
     when the tower is finished your border will move out
     giving you more land.

Here's a good way of getting material to an area.
     Build a market and set a route to eg brewery to

  If your pioneers are getting attacked and their health
     shows red or yellow, simply convert them back to
     carriers. The enemy can't attack them, and when you
     convert them back to pioneers they will have full

 If you are playing a game and your spies spot a large
     amount of troops heading your way, convert all your
     spare settlers into pioneers and group them up. Send
     the pioneers into the invading troops. It's cruel,
     but it will give you some time to get all of your
     troops into the area.