Sim City 2000

If you type PORNTIPSQUZZARDO, YOU WILL GET $500 000!!!!!

     Enter oivazmir and you will get a new toolbar option that
     says buget. You can get several things from that code.

     Start a new game. At the start type fund three times.
     Then go to window budget and issue bond.
     Then Evry year you will get lots of $$$

 "HECK" while playingwas it does is extremely funny!

     if you want lots of money look at this cheat!!to get $5000000
     a year hold f2 and f12 at title and then
     when your playing type in smoothieyabayaba

     PORNO- Its not X raded but shure is funneyHell, darn and damn-all. res. turns to churches
     NOAH- water level up one
     MOSES- water level down one gilmartin- military
     CASS- money or disater(15% disaster)
     FUND- Bond at 25%
   if your codes fail on your PC just go to open city and
     go in to Starter city and you will be a billion dollar

     While playing Sim City 2000 you will notice that people
     build on the zoned areas (Residential, Commercial &
     Industrial) and sometimes abandon the buildings. Every so
     often, pause the game, (Every year in turtle mode, every two
     years in llama mode etc) and bulldoze all the abandonned
     buildings. Make sure the zoned areas underneath have
     elctricity and water and unpause the game. People may buy
     the land and build and not abandon the buildings again.

     If helicopters really bug you click on the centering tool
     then click on a helicopter, it will just drop right out of
     the sky explode but not damage any buildings.

     Start a new city, save it, quit out, and back-up. Say that
     you've called your city CHEAT then your save file will be

     Re-start the game, load CHEAT city and, hey presto, you've
     just got yourself 2 billion dollars to build your dream

          In Januaray, set the taxes to 0% in the budget window, then in
     november or december, set the taxes to 20% the sims won't know
     they're being taxed.